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求一篇英语作文,How to overcome the problem of waste 或是 Which would

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/27 01:13:21
How to overcome the problem of waste 或是 Which would you give up:Tv ,telephone or Web?二选一 (PS:一定要是原创,好的话会加分)
求一篇英语作文,How to overcome the problem of waste 或是 Which would
How to overcome the problem of waste
as we approach a technological, fast paced society, human demands are growing at an unbelievable rate. we consume oil, minerals, and water at an enormous amount, exploiting nature's precious treasure without considering consequences for our future generation. we are taking earth's non-renewable resources at a faster and faster pace, destroying the environment. North America's mass consumption plays leading role in this crime. we have to take actions righ now or else our greed will devour us and the nature is going to destroy human race in its own way -- flood, drought, storm.
Therefore we have to stop wasting and start saving, recycling, renewing, and reusing. there are plenty of ways. If you look around, you'll find that many of the things sitting in your home right now are the result of excess purchase. maybe you could donate them for some one else in need to use them, or you could use it for some other purpose, use your imagination and reuse it. for example, if you found a cup that you no longer use, use it for a vase! or pencil holder. sometimes, the simple solution would be to think twice before you buy something. ask youself, is it a want or a need? buy things only if you really need them, and only in small quantity to avoid leftovers. Look around again, plastic are getting very popular these days. if you take a minute to think about it, you may find that everything you eat came in plastic wrappers. the apples, the cereal to meat wrapped up in plastic containers to water in plastic water bottles. they are everywhere. the excess wrapping of products are to protect fragile products not to bring us cancer! Apples can come in boxes and it’s not hard to fill up water or things you wanted to drink in a bottle everyday before you go to work or school. Other alternatives include buying local products and reuse all the plastics. The product company should try some creative alternative ways and try stop using excess amount of wrapping to decorate their product.