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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/26 19:41:41
我们应该要找回自己的目标,一点一点努力.就像这幅画一样,画里面一个热气球在空中一点一点往上漂浮,虽然上升的很慢,但是它一直努力往上飘,最后,终于穿过了白云,置身于广阔的蓝天.我们应该像这个热气球一样,STUDY HARD AND MAKE PROGRESS EVERYDAY,这样 当毕业的时候,回首四年,我们无愧于美好的青春
With the onset of second year university, we're slowly adapting to the university lifestyle, at the same time, we're also losing our compass in the mist of things. Once upon a time, we entered university filled with hope, and had set up many goals for ourselves, but in the end we realized most of those goals were incomplete. As a result, we lose our hope, and lost our perseverance. University life inevitably became a duty. Everyday, we sleep, eat, go to class. It is the same every single day.
We should go and seek out our goals. With effort, like this painting, in which a hot air balloon slowly flies towards the sky, in the end, it breaks through the clouds, and immense itself within the wide blue sky. We should be like the hot air balloon, study hard and obtain progress everyday, like that, after we graduate, when we remember these four years, we would feel no shame towards our youth.