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试题1(6分)【72794】 Either coffee or _____ is fine with me.A. dri

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 02:36:37
【72794】 Either coffee or _____ is fine with me.
A. drinking tea
B. drink tea
C. to drink tea
D. tea
【72815】 More and more people are realizing that there is a _____ between heart disease and the way one lives.
A. correspondence
B. comparison
C. connection
D. consequence
【72850】 The smog is due _____ invisible gases,mostly from automobile exhaust.
A. from
B. to
C. for
D. with
【73094】 The body needs fat to keep it _____ the cold during the long winter months.
A. between
B. from
C. for
D. out
【73133】 It's necessary that he _____ in time to attend the meeting.
A. come
B. came
C. comes
D. will come
【73159】 To answer correctly is more important than _____.
A. answered quickly
B. a quick answer
C. quickly answered
D. to answer quickly
【73177】 _____ the numbers in employment,the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year.
A. In line with
B. In terms of
C. In accordance with
D. In proportion to
【73181】 For long-time efficiency and happiness it is best to observe the _____ of health and sound working conditions.
A. principles
B. ideas
C. elements
D. factors
【74148】 None of their new products have sold well,_____?
A. haven't they
B. have they
C. hasn't it
D. has it
【78512】 Tom and Mary are going to _____ married when they return from abroad.
A. make
B. take
C. get
D. have
二、Dialogues (一共5题,每题8分.)
【72590】 -- Can you tell me the time,please?
-- _____
A. Sorry I left my watch at home.
B. Ok.I'll say it again.
C. Yes,it's quite near here.
D. He's busy at the moment.
【72615】 -- My roommate has been snoring at night.I can hardly go to sleep,you know.
-- _____
A. I never snore at night.
B. How awful!
C. Do you?I don't.
D. Neither do I.
【72617】 -- I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.
-- _____
A. That's great.
B. Oh,really?
C. That's all right.
D. Thanks a lot.
【72632】 -- Hello,is that you Mary?This is Jane speaking.
-- _____
A. That's all right.
B. Thanks for your concern.
C. Hello,Jane.Here's Mary.
D. Thank you,Jane.
【72656】 -- It's very kind of you to show me around the campus.
-- _____
A. That's right.
B. Certainly,here you are.
C. I've no idea.
D. It's a pleasure.
试题1(6分)【72794】 Either coffee or _____ is fine with me.A. dri
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