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课文填空小题1:袁博士从梦中醒来,希望能种植一种可以养活更多人的水稻。Dr Yuan awoke from his dr

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 12:44:44
Dr Yuan awoke from his dream ______  ______  ______  ______ producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.
In one place, you ______  _____  ______  ______ with Merlin the Wizard.
______ his father died, ______ his family even _______  _______.
______  _______, though, studying international customs can certainly_______  _______  difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads!
She has argued that wild animals should _____ _____ in the wild and not used for_____   or _______.
课文填空小题1:袁博士从梦中醒来,希望能种植一种可以养活更多人的水稻。Dr Yuan awoke from his dr

小题1:with the hope of
小题2:can watch magic shows
小题3:Unfortunately leaving worse off
小题4:In general help avoid
小题5:be left entertainment advertisements

小题1:考查词组:带着…的希望:with the hope of
小题2:考查情态动词:能can,观看魔术表演can watch magic shows
小题3:考查副词:不幸的是:Unfortunately 状况更糟了:leaving worse off用现在分词做结果状语
小题4:考查词组:总的来说:In general帮助做…,用help do,答案是 help avoid
小题5:考查被动语态:被留下be left ,还有名词:娱乐:entertainment广告 advertisements