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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 13:40:47
The national flag of PRC
The national flag of the People's Republic of China is red in colour, rectangular in shape, with five stars. The proportion between the length and height of the flag is three to two. The five five-pointed yellow stars are located in the upper left corner. One of them, which is bigger, appears on the left, while the other four hem it in on the right.
The red colour of the flag symbolizes revolution; the stars take on the yellow colour in order to bring out their brightness on the red ground. The larger star represents the CPC, while the four smaller ones, the Chinese people. The relationship between the stars means the great unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC.
Monument to the People's Heroes
人民英雄纪念碑位于北京天安门广场中心.Monument to the People's Heroes in Tiananmen Square in Beijing center. 1949年9月30日,中国人民政治协商会议第一届全体会议决定,为了纪念在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人民英雄,在首都北京建立人民英雄纪念碑.September 30, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, To commemorate the Chinese people's revolution in the People's Liberation War and the heroic sacrifices of the people, the establishment of the Monument to the People's Heroes in the capital city of Beijing. 当天下午6时,出席中国人民政治协商会议的全体代表,在天安门前广场上举行了建立纪念碑的奠基典礼.18:00 the same day, all the representatives to attend the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, held in Tiananmen Square before the opening ceremony of the establishment of the monument. 以毛主席为首的政协各单位首席代表一一执锨土,奠下纪念碑的基石.CPPCC Chairman Mao led to the chief of the unit on January 1 ruling shovel soil, laid the cornerstone for the monument. 后经全国广泛讨论,确定碑型.After wide discussions to determine milestone type. 到1952年,全国优秀的建筑师和专家们共设计了一百多种图案,经有关方面通过各种方式征求各界人民的意见,归纳、修正成最后的图样.To 1952, the outstanding architects and experts have designed more than 100 designs, By various means by the parties concerned to seek the views of the people of all walks of life, summarized the amendment into the final design.
人民英雄纪念碑兴建委员会由北京市长彭真任主任委员,郑振铎、梁思成任副主任委员.Monument to the People's Heroes Pengzhen director of the construction committee members from the mayor of Beijing, Zheng Zhenduo, deputy director Liang Sicheng. 委员会下设工程处,分设计、施工、采石、美术工作等7个组,进行工作.Committee set up under the project, sub-design, construction, quarrying, art work seven groups work. 此外,专设一个委员会,在中国科学院现代史研究所所长范文澜领导下,研究浮雕画片所需的史料题材.In addition, a special committee under the leadership of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Fan Wenlan, director of the Institute of Modern History. Research topics relief materials necessary graphics. 纪念碑于1952年8月1日正式动工修建,1958年4月22日落成,同年5月1日隆重揭幕.Monument on August 1, 1952 to commence construction, completed on April 22, 1958. May 1 grand opening of the same year.
人民英雄纪念碑呈方形,建筑面积为3000平方米.Monument to the People's Heroes Square was the construction area of 3,000 square meters. 纪念碑分碑身、须弥座和台座三部分,共高37.94米.Monument breakdown quickly, and the pedestal Xumizuo three parts, a total of 37.94 meters high. 台座分两层,四周环绕汉白玉栏杆,均有台阶.A two-tier platform, surrounded white marble railings were level.
下层座为海棠形,东西宽50.44米,南北长61.5米.Begonia-shaped blocks of class, 50.44 meters wide from east to west and 61.5 meters from north to south. 上层座呈方形.Block was the upper box. 台座上是大小两层须弥座.Taiwan is serving two Xumizuo size. 下层大须弥座束腰部四面镶嵌着八幅汉白玉大型浮雕,分别以虎门销烟、金田起义、武昌起义、五四运动、五卅运动、南昌起义、抗日游击战争、渡江战役为主题.Waist Department Xumizuo four major classes of eight white marble inlaid large feel that each Humenxiaoyin, Jin Tian Rebellion. Wuchang Uprising, the May 4th Movement, may 30th Movement, the Nanchang Uprising, the anti-Japanese guerrilla war, the arrival of a campaign theme. 在渡江战役的浮雕两侧,另有两幅装饰性浮雕,主题分别为支援前线和欢迎人民解放军.The arrival of relief on both sides in the campaign, and another two decorative feel that the theme of the People's Liberation Army to support the front, and welcome.
浮雕高2米,总长40.68米,共有约170个人物形象,概括而生动地表现出我国近百年来惊天动地的革命史实.Relief of 2 meters, with a total length of 40.68 meters, a total of about 170 individual image. China demonstrated broad and vivid history of the past century earth-shaking revolution. 上层小须弥座四周镌刻有以牡丹、荷花、菊花、垂幔等组成的八个花环.Xumizuo around engraved with a small upper peonies, lotus, chrysanthemum, composed of eight vertical mantle garland.
两层须弥座承托着高大的碑身.Xumizuo rests with the two tall sculpture. 碑身是一块长14.7米、宽2.9米、厚1米、重达60多吨的大石.A piece of sculpture is 14.7 meters long, 2.9 meters wide and 1 meter thick, and weighs 60 tons of rocks. 碑身正面(北面)镌刻毛泽东题词“人民英雄永垂不朽”八个鎏金大字;背面是毛泽东起草、周恩来题写的碑文:“三年以来,在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人民英雄们永垂不朽!三十年以来,在人民解放战争和人民革命中牺牲的人民英雄们永垂不朽!由此上溯到一千八百四十年,从那时起,为了反对内外敌人,争取民族独立和人民自由幸福,在历次斗争中牺牲的人民英雄们永垂不朽!”碑身两侧装饰着用五星、松柏和旗帜组成的浮雕花环,象征人民英雄的伟大精神万古长存.Striking positive (north) Mao Zedong wrote the inscription "People's Heroes in 1840," the eight-lau characters; Drafting the back of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, wrote the inscription : "For three years now, in the people's revolution and the people's liberation war heroes who sacrificed their peoples 1840! 30, in the people's revolution and the people's liberation war heroes who sacrificed their peoples 1840! Eternal Glory. Since then, opposition to domestic and foreign enemies and fight for national independence and people's freedom and happiness. at the expense of the people's heroic struggle against successive 1840! "decorative sculpture on both sides with the five-star. pine garland and the relief component of the banner, the great spirit of eternal symbol of the People's Heroes Live Forever. 整座纪念碑用17000多块花岗石和汉白玉砌成,肃穆庄严,雄伟壮观.Its more than 17,000 pieces of granite and white marble monument with brick, solemn silence magnificent.