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几个语法问题1.exciting一般句型格式2.be ready to do sth for sb的意思3.make s

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 22:34:59
2.be ready to do sth for sb的意思
3.make sb sth意思
4.need to sth用法和意思
5.do sth to sb意思
6.use sb doing sth意思
几个语法问题1.exciting一般句型格式2.be ready to do sth for sb的意思3.make s
你可以说Sth is so/very exciting!
或It is exciting to do sth(意思是说“做……是一件令人兴奋的事”)
或It is exciting that...(that后面是一个句子,意思也是说“……是一个件令人兴奋的事)
2.be ready to do sth (for sb)意思是“乐意(为某人)做事”的意思.
3.make sb sth意思是“使某人成为……”,sth可以是一个职业(a teacher/doctor...)、身份(a great/clever...man)等.
4.need to sth意思是“需要做某事”,你可以说If you want to...,you need to do...,或what you need to do is...或...is what you need to do
5.do sth to sb 意思是“对某人做某事”,例如:I could hardly imagine his doing such things to her!“我几乎想象不出来他竟然会对她做出这些事来.”
6.抱歉,我没见过种表达,所以我也不知道什么意思和用法.[另:use sth to do sth使用某物去做某事(是sth is used to do sth的主动形式)]
7.给...拍照:take a photo/photograph/picture of(后而接被拍照的对象),复数时去冠词a,在“照片”后加s.另外mug,photograph,snapshoot,shoot等都是可以是动词“拍照”的意思.
禁止拍照:no picture taking!
请别人给自己拍照:have one's photograph/picture taken