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急求一篇大学生英语作文 关于中国国家形象角度篇的、

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 13:27:04
急求一篇大学生英语作文 关于中国国家形象角度篇的、
就是从外国人的角度看中国的那个版本 什么“开放而有自信”什么的那个版本的
急求一篇大学生英语作文 关于中国国家形象角度篇的、
Today, I see China in his eyes in a foreign friend's daily record, having seen the pride of China, I feel very gratified, then reprint it for my Chinese friend to appreciate specially China: the future of the world
There is no doubt about the importance of China as far as global economy is concerned. I was reading local newspaper from Pakistan and my eyes took notice of a piece of news from President Zardari. Though he is not in my good book but his statement before visit to China really impressed me. He said, “China is the future of world”. I am utterly convinced with his statement and not a room of doubt about it that China would be the only super power in the world near future. According to some American think-tanks, by 2049 China will take over the global economy exclusively. When China declared independence, it was having only 100 million dollars. Today, the foreign reserves of china are about 1,800 Billion dollars. Each month Chinese nation deposit about 40 billion dollar in their foreign reserve. The only country in the world that can pull the USA out of financial turmoil is China. I think it is enough to convince you that China is really the future of world. Now here the question rises, “How China became the future of world”?
China; this is the same nation whom most of UN members labeled as “Opium-addicted nation” in 1949 but now one of the decision tiger in UN itself; the same nation whom Europe used to say a shop of scraps but now their own products in their economy is scrap in front of Chinese products; the same nation whom USA declared as hospital but now only hope for their sick economy is China.
“How this China became the future of world in just 60 years?” This question for me is million dollars worth and only hopes for our economy to mimic that trend if we can find the answer to this question.
When China declared independence in 1949 at that time people asked the founder of socio-political Chinese Nation "Mao Tse Tung" that we are the sick people of Asia, our youth is engaged with opium, we are hopeless as well as seeing a reckless future. Could we be able to develop? The great Mao, after listening these desperate words, just smiled and then told a story to them. He said,
"There was a small village in the Southern China. According to geographic location, the village was densely surrounded by mountains. Due to these mountains, there was no sunshine in the village. One day an old man came out with cutting-tool, when he reached at the nearby mountain he started to cut rocks of mountain. When people of village came to know about this strange act, they inquired old man about this. Old man replied, "I am cutting mountain". People astonished to hear his reply and asked him, "Why?". Old man replied, “Until or unless this mountain is here, sunshine cannot get through my village. Someone asked, “Would you be able to drag this mountain?” Old man just had a look at mountain and then replied, "Brothers! I will struggle to cut this mountain throughout my life and when I am about to die , I will hand over these cutting tools to my son with a hope that my next generation will continue it, if they could not succeed in dragging this mountain then they will hand-over to next generation, and then the next till this mountain will be dragged. Finally, my village will be full of sunshine".
Mao stopped for a while and took a deep breath and then started again "Let us start to cut our share of mountain and then deliver rest of mountain to next generation with all the cutting tools we have. I am quite hopeful about the day when the sun will rise in the dark China too". He stopped for a while and then continued by saying, "If only one generation of us started to act on their share, and they hand-over all of their tools to next generation before they die then believe me after three or four generations, this world will be under your feet; wherever you will go, you will succeed. Chinese people respond to the spirit of Mao in the same way as it deserved to be. The first generation of independent China tried their best to cut the mountains of Ignorance, lawlessness, trustlessness, laziness, weakness, poverty, unemployment, evils and etc as for as they could and left rest of mountains for the coming generation along with their cutting tools and with a message that keep delivering this spirit to generations . The overwhelming response of next generations to their ancestors truly deserves salute. Now they were on track; towards development and global leadership. Now we have the nowadays Great China. Today from Somalia to USA, economies of 245 countries exclusively dependent on Chinese economy". Wherever you go in the world, you will find China town there. Everything you can think of will probably have “Made in China” tag.
When one of family member go to some foreign country trip, we used to give him or her a long list of items to bring with him; for brother this, for mother this, for sister this and etc. So I want to give a list of items to president to bring with him when he returned from China as we are family as a nation.
1. China has proved that greater population is not a problem but greater unskilled population is a peril to economy. China is the first nation that turn around 250, 00 lakh people as skilled human resource. Please bring with you this formula.
2. GDP of china is 6900 billion dollar; the second largest GDP of world with around 1222 billion dollar export even having the largest growth rate of world they can do it. Please take with you formula for this.
3. China is first when it comes to law and order situation. In 2007 just nine murders out of huge population. Mr. President! Bring the formula for such peace with you.
4. Mr. President! Bring all the tools with you by which these Chinese people cut the mountains of Ignorance, lawlessness, trustlessness, laziness, weakness, poverty, unemployment, evils and etc
5. Mr. President! Bring the spirit , the vision , the motivation with you
6. The hand which does not have the scent of hard-working is could not treated as Chinese hand. Please bring that scent with you.