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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 02:13:20
Dear editor:
How are you?Last weekend,I had purchase your newspaper office’s magazine,which is called《military》 .It is a fantastic magazine and I really like it.In your magazine,I saw an article,which discussion about China should or should not to build up an aircraft carrier?
Recently,I often heard about this news.This news has aroused extensive attention from the society.Arguments also aroused between different groups of people with different views.
People that act supportive argue that building an aircraft carrier will increase military power and gain a greater defendant at the frontier.As well as China nowadays has sufficient level of technology,its time for China to showoff with its high technology,and many other countries already has carriers.Last but not least,the construction of aircraft carriers can enhance national confidence.
There is also great number of oppositions,and they said that making aircraft carrier would be a waste of money; this money should be spent on infrastructure,as China is still developing and budget is in great need.Apart from that,Chinese Navy is well sufficient to resist foreign enemy,there have no use for aircraft carrier at all.They also point out that many technical difficulties and high maintenance costs involving in building an aircraft carrier,which is a significant problem.
In my opinion,China should to build an aircraft carrier; I will use four ways to prove of my opinions.Firstly,China's energy demand has even more increased with the development of the China’s economy,most of the energy source will be transported by sea.There are some regional countries nearby the petroleum transportation line,in case these countries conflict with China,they will probably cut off China's transport line.Moreover,china’s naval force crossing long range would do nothing to even a small country (has air force) if we have no powerful air force,and let alone the regional powered country like India.if China conflict with India and the India Navy aircraft carrier battle group would cut off some transport lines of China easily (e.g.in the Persian Gulf),which will be a devastating srike to a economic power country.Secondly,Build an aircraft could solve some territory problems and plays deterrent role.Other country will stop adventurous action because of Chinese strong aircraft force.Thirdly,Build up an aircraft carrier is helpful to solve Taiwan issue.Our aircraft carrier has certain deterrent to Taiwan.If they have to range a war,china's aircraft carrier could give them a heavy hit.At the Last,build up an aircraft carrier will help Chinese navy to be in progress transforming,make the Chinese navy change from coastal waters troops becoming the troops having distant ocean doing battle,and become the internationalization navy.
have no powerful air force一般写成don't have powerful force
let alone the regional powered country like India改