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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 During the past 15

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 12:18:58
During the past 15 years a great deal of attention has been given to “letting it all hang out”. But speaking one’s 1 has more often led to ruined relationships than to great fulfillment (满足).
We generally agree that holding in real 2 and never expressing less-than-lovely thoughts about each other 3 leads to constructive (建设性的) communication. It’s a great relief (轻松) to allow ourselves to admit our human weaknesses and looking for more 4 relationships with others. But we need to strike a balance (把两者安排妥当) between telling it all and telling 5 .
Recently I received a letter from a mother who had been 6 by her troubled 25-year-old son to attend a weekend “ 7 ” marathon with him. Under pressure from the group, her defenses (防卫) 8 and she heard herself telling her son for the first time that he had been a(n) 9 because she hadn’t planned to have a child. He in turn told her that he couldn’t 10 a single day in his childhood that he’d been happy.
“At that time”, this woman wrote, “it seemed 11 . We cried and we made up; I thought telling the truth had been good for us. But the 12 is, it wasn’t the whole truth. By the time Tommy was born, I did want him, and at times he was 13 . Ever since that day, we’ve both been disturbed by some terrible feelings we 14 .”
We’ve come to the 15 that some things are better left unsaid. 16 is a fine policy (方针) as long as we know what the truth really is – 17 most of the time we don’t. It’s a fine goal to encourage children to 18 their feelings. But we need a new sense of 19 . Telling it all is not a cure-all for every problem. It’s 20 under some circumstances (情况) and terribly hurtful under others.
1. A. dreamB. decision
C. mindD. head
2. A. abilitiesB. feelings
C. doubtsD. senses
3. A. usually B. merely C. hardly D. gradually
4. A. honest B. equal
C. normalD. healthy
5. A. nothing B. everything
C. anythingD. something
6. A. allowed B. forbidden
C. persuadedD. warned
7. A. courageB. faith
C. strengthD. truth
8. A. built up B. broke down
C. ran away D. set off
9. A. accidentB. experiment
C. failureD. reward
10. A. tolerate (忍受)B. refuse
C. see D. recall (回想)
11. A. awfulB. helpful
C. importantD. funny
12. A. changeB. difference
C. pressureD. trouble
13. A. carefulB. embarrassed
C. happyD. proud
14. A. collectedB. ignored
C. receivedD. shared
15. A. concernB. conclusion
C. impressionD. suggestion
16. A. SilenceB. Honesty
C. Balance D. Patience
17. A. butB. since
C. otherwiseD. therefore
18. A. trustB. express
C. examineD. identify
19. A. easeB. balance
C. interestD. regret
20. A. harmfulB. difficult
C. usefulD. natural
麻烦老师了,需要翻译和讲解 谢谢^_^
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 During the past 15
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